Clean Beauty


Organic skin care ingredients are sourced directly in nature while chemical or synthetic skincare contains toxic ingredients that are man-made or scientifically altered. Although both natural and chemical skincare can be effective, the latter may cause serious harm to your health. 


Clean Toxic
Ingredients derived from nature, for example, flowers, roots, mushrooms, maple leaf extract, shea butter, coconut oil, essential oils, and licorice extract. Toxic ingredients include artificial fragrances, colours, harmful paragons, sulphates, and silicones. 
Pure natural ingredients are harmless to the body and won't cause any damage or illness. Toxic ingredients may disrupt hormones in the body and can harm reproductive organs and fertility, as well as affect birth outcomes, and increase the risk of cancer. 
Natural ingredients may be active or exfoliating but require longer to show effects  While chemical ingredients may deliver results faster, they do so at the cost of your health. Many of them don't support the long-term health of your skin. 
Many natural products are fragrant-free and have a less smooth product texture and consistency than chemical skin care. Chemical ingredients are altered and formulated to show a smooth consistency that appeals to customers
Organic Ingredients
Designed with the most effective, organic ingredients and formulated in optimal balance to deliver results, our products solve your skin issues without causing any damage typical for chemical/toxic skincare. 
Are skincare products made with organic ingredients better?
Your skin absorbs 64% of the product you absorb to it. Many mainstream skincare brands contain toxic ingredients that get absorbed by your skin and harm your health. This is partly because numerous Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)- approved pesticides were registered years before scientists discovered their connection to cancer and other diseases and mainstream brands continue to use them without being penalized.
Organic beauty products contain ingredients that were grown without toxic herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and fertilizers, meaning they are far safer for you and more suitable for the environment.


What is the difference between natural and organic?

Since the word "natural" is not regulated, many brands that use a few nature-sourced ingredients in their products call them natural to appear non-toxic and safe. Beware that using the term "natural" is often done for marketing purposes and has little substantial meaning.  

However, if a product is labelled "Organic" in Canada, it means it was regulated by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA, which ensures that producers have proven that their organic claims are true and have met all commodity-specific requirements.